I'm Jeff. I'm a web developer, photographer, world traveler, movie lover, and baseball fanatic.
Pick numbers before the big game, and win big if the scores at the end of each quarter matches your numbers. Site features secure logins for each user and email notifications using an external SMTP service.
responsive layout, WordPress, Mailgun integration
National restaurant chain requested a new site to update their corporate brand and streamline the experience for franchise owners. Features menus and event calendars that can me managed at the corporate and franchise level. Franchise owners can offer unique menu items, drink specials, and integrate local social media accounts. A corporate approval system manages content before it is published to the live site. Geolocation services find the nearest locations for users. A new Kilt Girl is featured on the calendar every month.
responsive layout, WordPress, Foundation, Facebook/Instagram feeds | Tech Lead
After growing tired of the complicated math involved in sharing costs when traveling with friends, I decided to make a tool to do the math for you. You can add events, friends, and costs, and it will tell you who owes money to each person in the end. Now, it's a site where people can split costs for travel, rent, or anything. Pie charts show how costs have been shared.
custom PHP
Digital mobility company needed a site that showcased its newly acquired divisions and business capabilities. Content and image-heavy site features angled content areas, magazine-style transitions, multi-level horizontal navigation, and embedded video and PDF content. A government subsite with graceful degradation to IE7 was required.
responsive layout, WordPress, Foundation, Google Tag Manager integration | Tech Lead
Catalogs the fans who have caught the most famous home run balls in Major League Baseball history. Features stories collected from news outlets, modals with videos showing each home run, and photos of the lucky fans.
custom PHP, Facebook comments
A showcase of a technology security company's products and service offerings. The WordPress site features a custom theme based on FoundationPress, a mobile responsive layout with breakpoints for phone, tablet, and desktop. JavaScript libraries like Isotope and D3.js enable dynamic filtering, interactive page elements, and subtle animations to data presentations. Sticky subnavigation and sidebars ensure that users never get lost in long, scrolling content. Page and browser caching ensures fast site performance. Social networking tools increase shareability. A comprehensive WordPress back-end allows for easy maintenance of site content by the client.
responsive layout, WordPress, FoundationPress, Isotope, D3.js | Developer
Mediterranean-inspired restaurant in Wellesley, Massachusetts. One-page site features navigation with animated scrolling, an online menu populated by SinglePlatform, gift card and cookbook ordering integration with PayPal, and a photo gallery.
responsive layout, WordPress, Foundation, PayPal integration | Lead Developer
Global youth organization needed a refresh of their internationally recognized brand. An updated design was created, and a new back-end content management system allowed for easier organization and maintenance of their deep content. Structured page templates ensure that content is always cleanly presented. Section 508 rules for accessibility were respected.
responsive layout, WordPress Multisite, Foundation, Webdam integration | Tech Lead
A community effort to collect, organize, and share recordings of old Loveline radio shows. Loveline was a nationally syndicated radio call-in program featuring Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew that offered medical and relationship advice to listeners. Over three thousand recordings are stored, all of them indexed, searchable, and available to public for free. Features include a jQuery MP3 player, call tagging, integrated message board, and search functionality. Back-end tools allow admins to upload and archive new recordings, moderate content, and ban users. Cloudflare CDN delivers cached content for the best performance.
custom PHP, phpBB integration, CloudFlare
We only have so much time left, so why waste your time watching bad movies? What if there was a way to pick your next movie to watch from a list of the best movies ever? And what if you could filter that list to reflect your personal preferences? Using data from IMDB and some proprietary algorithms to come up with final rankings, a list of the best movies ever is presented. Daily cron jobs keep the data fresh. Dynamic filtering allows you to find hidden gems, mark movies as seen, and add them to a watchlist. Movies on your favorite streaming services are a click away.
responsive layout, Foundation, Isotope, TMDb/OMDb/Guidebox API, Google AdSense integration
Boston, Massachusetts
An art piece by Josiah McElheny at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. McElheny hand-blew the dozens of glass vessels in this perfectly machined, mirrored box, basing them all on 20th century designs.
Washington, District of Columbia
The Thomas Jefferson Memorial is dedicated to the third president of the United States. The neoclassical building was designed by John Russell Pope and completed in 1943.
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
My homage to Ansel Adams. He took his famous Snake River photo from roughly the same spot in 1942. Ansel's mountains are blanketed with majestic snow, but my mountains have only a few flecks at the very top. Ansel's river was swollen and raging, but mine had a bit of a prostate problem. And much of my shot is obscured by trees that have grown in the last 69 years.
Berlin, Germany
The 2,711 concrete slabs arranged in a grid pattern on a sloping field are designed to produce an uneasy, confusing atmosphere, and the whole sculpture aims to represent a supposedly ordered system that has lost touch with human reason.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota
The memorial carved into the Black Hills features 60-foot sculptures of Washington, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Lincoln. The plan initially featured American heroes like Lewis and Clark, Red Cloud, and Buffalo Bill Cody, but sculptor Gutzon Borglum decided the sculpture would have broader appeal with the four presidents.
Oświęcim, Poland
Where the prisoners were housed. A guard house looms at the end of the road. It has been said that the trees which line the streets of Auschwitz were planted by the Nazis "because they loved nature."
Glacier National Park, Montana
A drive through Glacier National Park led me along Going-to-the-Sun Road until I came to a gate blocking vehicles from going any further during the winter season. Just beyond the gate, the road looked beautiful.
Rhodes, Greece
The old city of Rhodes is surrounded by medieval walls with seven gates. To enter any of these gates is to enter another world. Though many of the alleys are now filled with tourist shops, restaurants, cafes, some of them retain that old world feel.
Liverpool, England
This street in Liverpool is a bustling food quarter near the center of town. Liverpool Town Hall sites at the north end of the street.
County Clare, Ireland
Doonagore Castle is a round 16th-century tower house with a small walled enclosure located about 1 km above the coastal village of Doolin in County Clare, Ireland. Its name may mean "the fort of the rounded hills" or the "fort of the goats"; it sits on a hill overlooking Doolin Point and, along with a nearby higher radio mast, is used as a navigational point by boats approaching Doolin Pier.
December 7, 2024 | reviews
Great animation, but the story lacks punch because the stakes just aren’t very high. Moana wants to meet other explorers? On top of that, Maui’s song piece isn’t very good, and Heihei isn’t as funny.
November 18, 2024 | travel
As our trip draws to a close, yesterday was spent reminiscing about trip highlights and celebrating our friendship over drinks in the hot tub. It took a while for us to figure it out, but pouring our off-property alcohol into aluminum resort water bottles is sure a lot cheaper than…
November 16, 2024 | travel
Another morning workout, another chia pudding parfait and banana for breakfast with a backdrop of swinging palm trees and crashing waves. Life could be worse. Sitting at our breezy breakfast table with the boys, I told them my Claire Danes story, probably the best story I have about myself, one…